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Rolling mill roll

Rolling mill roll

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Application:Rolling mill roll

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Product Details

Rolling mill roll is an important part of the rolling machine. Under standard(GB / T) or technical agreement signed by both parties and other requirements, we use EBT + LF / VD + ESR smelting process, the hydraulic quick forging machine, percise forging to produce large forged alloy steel heat mill work rolls, forged alloy steel cold rolling work roll, large forged alloy steel bearing rollers and continuous casting roll roll blank.We can produce based on user requirements of machining or heat treatment . At present, our company has bulk supply to Shanghai Baosteel, Changzhou roll, Wuhan Iron and Steel Company and other manufacturers roll, and exported to the international market by domestic and foreign users.

Common cold Rolling mill roll material:

1, the work rolls, intermediate rolls 9Cr2MoCr2Cr3Cr5 series.

2, support rollers: Cr2Cr3Cr560CrMo60CrMnMo

Cold Rolling mill roll specifications:

work roll、intermediate roll:diameter≤Φ610


Rough weight≤10T

Net weight≤6T

Reachable diameter≤Φ800 length≤Φ6000

Support roll:diameter≤Φ1100


Rough weight≤25T